Flirtic Blog

  •  1. Weight lifting: We all know that weight lifting leads to higher testosterone. Weight lifting will improve your sex life much more than if you didn’t. Push-ups are GREAT for missionary position endurance ;)

    2. Kegels: This exercise involves NO weights and you can do it every day, if you want. It is actually meant to strengthen the pubococcygeal muscle which will help you to not prematurely ejaculate. To try it out, hold your pee just before you aim for the bowl (or whatever you’re aiming at).

    3. Aerobics: Performing exercises like running and walking will help keep your vessels clear of fats and other garbage that clogs them. Do this at least three times a week for harder and longer erections.

    4. Yoga: Yes i know what your thinking “I’m definitely not doing YOGA!” But all jokes aside, yoga makes your body more flexible, which will result in crazier sex positions ;)


  • 1. Stay Spontaneous. 
    Part of the excitement of summer is the last minute getaways. Renting a car and driving to the beach, taking a day off to go to a lake, deciding last minute to spend the day at an amusement park. That spontaneity keeps a relationship feeling fresh. 

    2. Refuse to Hibernate. 
    In crappy weather you are going to be spending more time indoors. That’s fine. What’s not fine is to hibernate in your apartment and take your relationship into a rut. Do anything that gets you off your couch and out of the same old routine.

    3. Leave Work at Work.
    Blame it on summer Fridays, margarita consumption, or beach weekends—but whatever the culprit, summer time is the time to leave work at work, and use your down time to relax. That means more attention that you’re giving to your man, and a greater sense of fun that you bring to the relationship. 

    4. Stay Responsible. 
    There’s just nothing hot about the stress that comes from a pregnancy or STD scare. Just like we know you were responsible with your birth control all summer, keep up that responsibility in the fall. Use your condoms. Get on birth control pills if you’re not already. When you feel good and confident about your health, you feel good and confident about your sex life.

    5. Take Advantage of Winter Laziness. 
    Want to spend all day in bed … together? Do it! More time in bed, means more time to try out new positions, focus on pleasing each other, and have loooong encounters rather than just quickies.

    Full article on Yahoo! Shine